Web Team

You can select any of these tasks and get started with any of the frameworks.

Level 1

Project Description: Create a Tribute Page

Project Requirements:

  1. HTML: Create a simple HTML file to structure your page.

  2. CSS: Apply basic CSS styles to make the page visually appealing.

  3. Content: Choose a person, historical figure, or someone you admire and create a tribute page about them.

  4. Layout: The page should have a title, an image of the person you're paying tribute to, a brief description or biography of the person, and possibly a list of accomplishments or interesting facts.

  5. Responsive Design: Make sure your page is responsive, so it looks good on both desktop and mobile devices.

Level 2

Project Description: Basic To-Do App in React

Project Requirements:

  1. Create a React application.

  2. Implement a form where users can add new tasks.

  3. Display the list of tasks in a "Pending Tasks" section.

  4. Allow users to mark tasks as "complete" and move them to a "Completed Tasks" section.

  5. Implement the ability to edit or delete tasks.

  6. Optionally, display the date and time when tasks are added and completed.

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating this app:

1. Set Up Your React Project: You can create a new React app using Create React App or set up your project manually.

2. Create React Components:

  • App.js: This is your main component that will manage the state of tasks and render other components.

  • TaskForm.js: A component for adding new tasks.

  • TaskList.js: A component to display the list of tasks.

  • TaskItem.js: A component representing a single task.

3. Define State: In the App component, define the state to store pending and completed tasks. Each task should have a title, status (pending/completed), and optional date/time.

4. Implement Functionality:

  • In the TaskForm component, create a form to add new tasks. Handle the form submission and update the state with the new task.

  • In the TaskList component, render the list of pending tasks and completed tasks separately.

  • Create functions to mark tasks as complete, edit tasks, and delete tasks. These functions should update the state accordingly.

5. Styling: Style your app using CSS or a CSS framework like Bootstrap.

Level 3

Project Description: Full-Stack Web App with Authentication and User Management

Project Requirements:

  1. Frontend: Build the frontend using React.

  2. Backend: Create a Node.js server with Express.js to handle backend logic.

  3. Database: Use MongoDB for storing user data.

  4. User Authentication: Implement user registration and login functionality.

  5. Email Verification: Send email verification links to registered users.

  6. Forgot Password: Implement a reset password functionality.

  7. Authorization: Differentiate between admin and regular user roles.

  8. Additional Features: Build features based on your chosen application type (mental health tracker, music player, etc.).

Here's a high-level roadmap:

1. Set Up Your Project:

  • Create a new React app for the frontend.

  • Create a Node.js project for the backend.

  • Set up MongoDB for data storage.

2. Frontend Development:

  • Create components for registration, login, and dashboard.

  • Implement routing for different pages (e.g., registration, login, dashboard).

  • Use a state management library like Redux or React Context for managing user authentication state.

  • Design and style your frontend using CSS or a UI library like Material-UI.

3. Backend Development:

  • Set up Express.js to create API routes.

  • Implement routes for user registration, login, email verification, and password reset.

  • Use a library like bcrypt to hash and store user passwords securely.

  • Generate and send email verification links using a service like Nodemailer.

  • Implement middleware for user authentication and authorization.

  • Connect your Node.js backend to MongoDB using a library like Mongoose.

4. User Authentication Flow:

  • Allow users to register with email and password.

  • Enable user login and store tokens in cookies or local storage.

  • Send verification emails with unique tokens for email confirmation.

  • Create endpoints for verifying email addresses.

  • Implement a "Forgot Password" feature with email notifications.

5. User Roles and Authorization:

  • Differentiate between admin and regular user roles.

  • Implement role-based authorization for routes and actions.

  • Allow admins to manage user accounts if needed.

6. Application Features:

  • Depending on your chosen application type (mental health tracker, music player, etc.), develop the core features of your app.

  • Ensure that authenticated users can access their data securely.

7. Deployment:

  • Deploy your frontend to a hosting service like Netlify or Vercel.

  • Deploy your backend to a cloud platform like Heroku or AWS.

  • Set up a production-ready MongoDB instance.

8. Testing and Validation:

  • Test your application thoroughly, especially for security vulnerabilities.

  • Ensure email verification and password reset flows work correctly.

  • Handle edge cases gracefully.

9. Documentation and Optimization:

  • Document your code and APIs.

  • Optimize your application for performance and security.

This project combines several advanced concepts and technologies, so be prepared for a challenging but rewarding experience. Don't forget to research and learn about each aspect thoroughly,

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